TBD – hosted by Brawlers & Cobras

Mx. TUFF Hangover Party

Pre-Pride Party

Stoplight Party – hosted by Knights & Yetis

Trivia Night – Brought to you by the Wolfhounds and Bulldogs

The Wolfhounds and Bulldogs are excited to host this season’s edition of TUFF Trvia Night. Come join us at Pegasus and win some prizes! There will be a prize for each round, and a grand prize at the end of the night!

Teams of 4 (Teams do not have to be from the same football team, any 4 players can form a trivia team)

Pegasus Stallions Social – Trivia

Pretty in Pink

No this isn’t the classic critically acclaimed 80’s movie with teen heart throb Molly Ringwald but instead, just a really pretty colour to wear on any skin tone – contrary to the annual white party let’s add a little splash of colour and be rosy!

TGFL Draft Party

Have some drinks and find out who you’re new team is